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We expect children to have approximately 40 minutes of homework per night, Monday- Thursday. Knowing that reading is the most fundamental skill that children use and need, 20 minutes of the 40 minutes is always designated as time during which students should be reading at home. If your child finishes the assignments given by the teacher before the 40 minutes is up, we would suggest that he/she use the remaining time for reading or working on mastering math facts. If your child exceeds 40 minutes on a regular basis, please contact us. Please be sure to let us know if your child is not able to complete an assignment due to circumstances beyond his/her control. We will provide opportunities for them at school to complete the work.


Woody Binders


What is a Woody Binder? The Woody Binder is a 3 ring binder that the 4th graders will use to help develop their organizational skills and promote responsibility. The binder is an effective way of maintaining communication between home and school.


What will I find inside? Inside you will find an Assignment notebook followed by several papers in clear sheet protectors- these help preserve important classroom/school information, such as:

-Lunch Menu                        -Spelling List

-Daily Schedule                   -School Calendar

-Important Notes                 -Other

-Homework Helpers (ie. multiplication chart, state map, handwriting guide)


What do I need to know about the Assignment Notebook? In order for the students to do their homework consistently and accurately, they need a way of keeping track of their assignments. Monday through Thursday students will copy down the assignments that are due the following day. On occasion your child’s teacher may use the message box section of the planner to send home small comments or questions for you. After checking with your child to assure them that their homework is complete, parents must sign or initial the signature line so that we know that you have seen his/her completed homework.


What else do I need to know about the Woody Binder? Woody Binders will come home Monday- Thursday. On Fridays school flyers and completed work will come home in a “Take Home”. Folders should come back to school on Monday empty. Thanks!



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